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    Free Doller Earn IF YOU'VE GOT $1, WE'LL GET YOU STARTED!\Bitcoinminingmoney.com

    STEP 2: JOIN THE $1.00

    MY $1.00 BUSINESS!

    This is an easy YES!


    My1DollarBusiness.com's system helps people succeed! Nearly everyone has $1.00 and the system can take you automatically from $1.00 up to hundreds or thousands in potential monthly income and provide valuable benefits without any extra work!

    The system goes through the phases automatically and the only way you progress is when you are already successful!

    Join for $1 and go through our Automated System.
    You receive $400 in Grocery and Non Food Coupons
    You receive Apps that help you save money and make money
    You receive powerful personal development modules
    You receive a Full Business and Automated System
    You may save money on taxes because of your business.
    You receive your own "Lead Capture" system.

    Worst Case, you'll pay $1 and you can save hundreds.
    Can you live with that?
    Are you willing to risk $1.00?

    Refer 2 people for $1.00
    You earn 25 cents per referral which can multiply
    See your commissions in real time.
    Automatically move through the 4 phases.
    Receive amazing benefits.
    Pay your Phone Bill
    Pay your Utilities
    Pay your Car Payment
    Pay your Mortgage
    Earn up to $10,000 / month
    Earn Store Customer Income
    Get a Free 5 Star Luxury Vacation
    Receive profit sharing with the company

    That's pretty awesome!

    Timing is Important and you are at the top!!

    My1DollarBusiness.com's system helps to solve the problem of failure in networking. 

    When people hear "YES", it gives them confidence to keep going. When they log in and see a commission for each yes and they know that commission can represent up to $25.00 in monthly income, something amazing happens, they develop confidence and continue on their path to success!

    Pretty much everyone has $1.00 and the system can take you automatically from $1.00 up to $10,000 potential monthly income! And that doesn't include personal customer income.

    Once you refer just 2 or more customers for only $1.00 each, you are fully qualified for all the great features of the system, and there's nothing else to do... unless you want to continue to refer more members to make it go even faster.

    Each of the four phases is paid for or partially paid for by your commissions earned in the previous phase. THE ONLY WAY you can advance through the phases is to already be successful and have a growing team! There's never been a system like this before and million dollar income producers believe it will create more success than any other system of its kind  in the history of home-based business!

    This is a perfect "Feeder program" for your primary company. People can see real success immediately, in real time, as thousands of people are saying "YES"!!! As they see themselves becoming successful, they develop confidence and the 2 members you refer for $1.00 here and the ones they refer and so on can follow you into your Primary Company!

    As each phase is accomplished, our members are provided with more incredible benefits including:
    * Programs that supply great deals on products and services
    * Apps that help you save and make money
    * World's Greatest Travel Discount Programs
    * Tax Savings Training
    * Programs that pay you for scanning your receipts when you shop
    * Programs that help you find the best deals when shopping
    * Powerful Personal Development and Success Modules
    * A luxury 7-night, 5-star Vacation valued from $2000 to $3000 per week
    And more!

    And it all starts by joining for just $1.00 and helping 2 people to do the same.


    We expect over 1Million+ Members Worldwide!

    Lock in your top position now!

    Start with $1, refer 2 customers and make up to $10,000 monthly as you automatically progress through the 4 phases. And that does not include any potential additional store product sales, prizes, awards or potential profit-sharing!

    The System does it for you when you join for $1 and refer 2 who do the same and so on...

    This chart shows your potential income as you move through the phases. 

    This chart is not a guarantee of income. It shows the amount of potential income you can earn as you join for only $1 and refer 2 people to do the same, and they do the same and so on. More realistic expectations may be 5% to 10% of possibilities, but wouldn't that be great for a $1.00 business.

    Each week you can qualify to "Level Up" to Phase 1 where you can potentially earn over $1,000 a month, then phase 2 where you can potentially earn over $2,000 a month, then phase 3 where you can potentially earn over $5,000 a month and lastly phase 4 where you can potentially earn over $10,000 in monthly income.

    You will receive 20% for your direct referrals plus 5% when they fall in your 2x10 team. It doesn't matter what level they fall on, 1 through 10. If you personally referred them, then YOU get the 20% monthly! For example, if you refer 10 people for $1 and then go through the phases to phase 4, you will receive 
    (10 x $25) = $250 monthly on those 10 referrals alone... so how many can you refer for $1?

    You will receive 5% for any membership referred by you or someone else when the sale falls in your team. Just be sure you have at least 2 personally referred active customers total to qualify.

    When you refer more than 2, you will "Spill" members into your team with other team members in your group. They will still be in your team and you will still earn the 20% direct commission, but in addition, the team members you "Spill" them with will also have the ability to earn 5% monthly on their purchases.

    The only way to level up is to have a growing team already creating success for you! Your commissions are automatically used to partially or completely pay for your next "Level-Up". This is the only system in the world we know that works like this. It's a bold new idea and congratulations, you're one of the first to learn about it! 

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