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    Get Earn For 50 $ | Mindswarms | Mobile Video Ethnography,

    How Our Mobile Video Surveys Works
    Perform these steps with us to glean the richest remote qualitative feedback possible.

    Optimally executed mobile video surveys can be excellent surrogates for focus groups or traditional ethnographies. They are the next best thing to being there, when time, money or logistics aren’t conducive to qualitative fieldwork. But quality of response can vary dramatically in mobile video research, and that’s where our expertise comes in. Laid out below are the specific steps our team takes to ensure that the responses you get back are are authentic, of high-quality, in the right context, and above all, from the right target! We guarantee it.

    Step 1 Our team clarifies your research objective and verifies whether it is a good fit for the medium 
    to guarantee success. We are fans of concise objectives.

    Step 2
    Your dedicated Project Manager builds and launches your custom screener, 
    reviews all applicants, and expertly hand picks those who are the best fit.

    Step 3
    Equipped with the unique skill of asking great questions to glean rich responses via mobile video, your Project Manager works alongside you to structure the questions.

    Step 4
    Your Project Manager proofs every single video response to ensure it matches 
    our quality standards and will replace any subpar respondent free of charge.

    Step 5
    Watch your video responses roll in, along with video transcripts,
    via your own personal user-friendly response matrix, and begin gleaning your insight!

    Step 6
    If you prefer to just keep a pulse on the research as videos roll in, we do the analysis, build your report, and edit a highlig
    ht reel to bring your consumer insights to life.

    Example Videos...?
    Play the responses below to see the power of video feedback for yourself.

    Mobile video surveys create an entirely new access point into people’s lives, their homes, and their daily routines, for you to incorporate into your research. Join participants on a shop-a-long from the comfort of your desk. Obtain feedback on creative concepts or on product concepts from the right people, without inconveniencing them with travel to and from your facility. Peer into participants' pantries, refrigerators or closets, and gain insight into how they live, that only seeing for yourself can provide. Prompt them to talk about intimate subjects, and listen as they speak unaffected by the self-awareness that comes with being in a room full of other participants or a moderator. Have them show you how they use apps on their mobile phone, their favorite features and their pet peeves. Mobile video surveys afford you access to rich feedback with such ease that quick-turn around qualitative research is no longer a rare luxury, but can become your new standard.



    Why participate in MindSwarms video surveys?
    You have great ideas.
    We believe that everyone is an expert at something, even if they don't realize it. Most of us aren't Grand Master at chess or fighter pilots, but we all deal with things like household cleaning, smartphones, cars or apps. Since you do these things every day, you probably have ideas how they could be made better.
    Make your voice heard.
    Have you ever wanted to tell Nike how to make your ideal shoe, suggest new cereal ingredients to Kellogg's, or complain to AT&T about your cell service? MindSwarms connects you to companies that want to hear your feedback. Your answers shape the next generation of products and services they make.Respond to questions using the video function on your smartphone, tablet, or webcam from the comfort of your own home car, office, or space station.
    We'll even pay you. Seriously.
    We pay you $50 to answer 7 questions or $10 to answer 1 question. It's that simple. There are no contests to “possibly win” a gadget or cash. It's fast; it takes most people less than 10 minutes to log in, apply or record answers, and sign out.MindSwarms provides companies with higher quality research than they typically receive. Since your video responses are vital to what we do, we believe you should be paid for the answers you provide.Some outsiders have told us that we pay too much and maybe we do. But we'd rather pay more to have happy users who like the way we do business and tell their friends about MindSwarms.

    Get started now.
    It's easy to get started: sign up for a participant account. Or, if you want to learn a bit more, check out our FAQ for all the details. We look forward to seeing your answers soon!

    Tips for Recording
    We want your best videos.
    MindSwarms has some guidelines for meeting basic A/V standards. You’ll have a chance to review your video right when you record. Follow these steps to ensure your survey responses are never flagged for video quality!

    1. Use the Full Minute to Respond
    Short answers are bad answers. They always fail to discuss why a person believes something. They rarely show emotion. They never provide insights. We give you a full minute so that you can be open and honest. Take it. Go in depth and let us know as much detail as possible.

    2. Light Your Face
    When your face is well lit, we can see your expressions and understand the context of your comments. Ideally, you should have a soft light facing you. At a minimum, make sure that the room is well lit. Avoid bright lights or windows behind you because they will make it hard for your camera to focus on you.

    3. Frame Your Head
    We know you have an awesome nose, but we'd rather be able to see your whole face. Position yourself so that you are visible from the upper chest to the top of your head, with a bit of margin on the top and sides so that you can move around and gesture.

    4. Get Comfortable
    We want you to be able to be yourself, so go ahead and get comfortable. This isn't the debutante ball. Sit in your favorite chair, wear your everyday clothes, and let your style and personality shine. Don't script it - shoot from the hip!

    5. Eliminate Background Noise
    Fans, screaming children or music ruin videos. Even if they don't sound loud to you, your device microphone loves to record them. Make your recording atmosphere as quiet as possible. A bedroom with closed doors and windows works well; a coffee shop with customers and espresso machines doesn't.

    6. Show Us
    Seeing is better. If you want to talk about your shoes, show us the shoes on the video. The more we can see, the better we can understand what you mean.

    7. Shoot from the Hip
    This isn't an audition, so you don't need to write notes or plan your responses. We want you to say what is on your mind, even if it doesn't sound perfect. Some of the best answers happen after stumbling a bit.

    8. Be Honest
    Sometimes people limit themselves because they think there is a "right way" to answer the questions. There isn't. Our clients only care about what you think, and don't care if your opinions are popular or politically correct. The best answers we see are real, honest, and unfiltered.

    9. Emotions Are Okay
    If a question makes you angry, tell us about it. If you love a concept you see, show us your enthusiasm. Sharing your emotional reactions lets us know where you are coming from and what drives your thoughts, which is always helpful in understanding your responses.

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